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About the Treatment

What is it?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure designed to treat visible fat bulges and reduce stubborn fat gently and effectively in 9 different areas, including stomach, thighs, flanks, upper arms, chin, and more with its cooling technology. Coolsculpting targets, freezes, and eliminates fat cells through a gradual and natural process without causing damage to the surrounding tissue and skin. Noticeable results within 8 to 12 weeks.

Who is a good candidate? Who is NOT a candidate?

To be eligible for CoolSculpting®, you must be 18 or older, have no disqualifying medical conditions, and be interested in eliminating stubborn fat from any of the 9 areas we treat. Patients who are morbidly obese are not good candidates. CoolSculpting does not treat visceral fat, or fat within the abdominal cavity.

How is the treatment done?

CoolSculpting® uses cryolipolysis, otherwise known as fat freezing, to freeze the fat cells in the treated area. Your provider will outline the area to be treated, apply a gel pad to create a barrier between the applicator and your skin, and then place the applicators on your body. As treatment begins, you’ll feel a light vacuum pressure and an intense cold. After approximately 10 minutes or so, the area being treated will become temporarily numb. When each treatment ends, the applicator(s) and gel pad are removed. The treated area is then massaged for 2 minutes to help break up the fat cells. A CoolSculpting treatment typically takes as little as 35-75 minutes, depending on the area treated, with treatment sessions lasting 1-3 hours on average.

How long does it take to see results?

Your body will naturally eliminate the treated fat cells. Typically, it takes 1-3 months to see results, with full results taking 6 months or more.

What are the benefits of the procedure?

CoolSculpting® is cleared to eliminate stubborn fat under the jawline, under the chin, the upper arms, back fat, bra fat, the flank area (love handles), abdomen, thighs, and under the buttocks (banana roll).

How long is recovery? (Bruising, swelling, etc.)

CoolSculpting® has little to no downtime.

How often do you have to follow up/maintenance?

Since many patients receive more than one treatment session, you may return for additional treatments in 6-8 weeks. For most patients, two or more treatment sessions are recommended to help reach their body contouring goals.

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